Korean BBQ Chicken and NoodlesThis is absolutely delicious and about as easy as it comes thanks to @kevins.natural.foods and their ready to go meals. I love a one pan meal, less dishes makes me happy. This is as simple as draining the chicken, tossing it into a pan with some oil, then I added some @miraclenoodle ready to eat spaghetti noodles, also drained. I let the chicken and noodles cook a bit, flipping over the chicken to lightly brown both sides. Then I drizzled in the sauce packet included in the Kevin's meal, coating the chicken fully and had plenty of sauce to also toss the noodles in. I dropped the heat and let that sauce thicken and then dished up! One pan, one plate, ready in a few minutes and absolutely delicious, filling and super macro friendly! #easylunch #onepanmeal #healthymeals #chicken #koreanbbq #bbqchicken #quicklunch #eathealthy #foodgoals #kevinsnaturalfoods