Tri-Tip TacosThese tacos start with this smoked Tri-Tip. I tried all the external fat off the tri-tip and seasoned it liberally with @neilsarap wild game rub. It was smoked at 225 using @bearmountainbbq bourbon blend pellets. Finish temp was 135 and it was well rested. I grilled up some onions, simple diced onion and @chosenfoods avocado oil in a pan over medium heat. While those were cooking I toasted two @guerrerotortillas low carb tortillas. At the flip of the tortilla I pulled on plenty of tri-tip, then layered on some queso(leftover from Sunday), the grilled onions, and finally some @eatwholly avocado. These steak tacos set the bar high on this taco Tuesday, and if these don't make you hungry you may want to check your taste buds! #tacotuesday #steaktacos #tritiptaco #tritip #taconight #queso #beeftacos #tuesdaynight

Tri-Tip TacosThese tacos start with this smoked Tri-Tip. I tried all the external fat off the tri-tip and seasoned it liberally with @neilsarap wild game rub. It was smoked at 225 using @bearmountainbbq bourbon blend pellets. Finish temp was 135 and it was well rested. I grilled up some onions, simple diced onion and @chosenfoods avocado oil in a pan over medium heat. While those were cooking I toasted two @guerrerotortillas low carb tortillas. At the flip of the tortilla I pulled on plenty of tri-tip, then layered on some queso(leftover from Sunday), the grilled onions, and finally some @eatwholly avocado. These steak tacos set the bar high on this taco Tuesday, and if these don't make you hungry you may want to check your taste buds! #tacotuesday #steaktacos #tritiptaco #tritip #taconight #queso #beeftacos #tuesdaynight